Dr. Manoj Jeremiah and Dr. Shiny Hasini, together as a powerful couple, focuses on...
Social Activist
In the dynamic realms of social activism and education, Shoba Manikandan emerges as a...
Prof. (Dr.) Divya Tanwar is an educationist cum social activist, driven by a profound...
V Nagaraj, a renowned social activist proudly announces the launch of a revolutionary mobile...
Leading Real Estate Entrepreneur, Social Activist and Philanthropist Nidarshana Gowani was honored as the...
The debutant writer Dr Prachyi V Raizzada’s book “The Essence of Vision” hasn’t been...
‘Climate Warrior’ is a term that is used to describe individuals who contribute towards...
Nidarshana Gowani the leading Real Estate Entrepreneur and Social Activist organized ‘Kamala Cricket Tournament’...
Nidarshana Gowani, leading real estate entrepreneur and social activist felicitates nurses from hospitals across...
Shantanu Bhamare Awarded By Maharashtra Governor Bhagat Shri Singh Koshyari in Rashtriya Pratibha Samman...