The recently released movie “Ghoomer”, directed by R Balki, has received immense praise and...
Nidarshana Gowani
The bike rally, organized by Nidarshana Gowani, owner of Kamala Mills, took place on...
Promoting empowerment and education for a better future Bharat Vikas Parishad Maharashtra kalyan –...
In a remarkable effort to combat anemia and promote the vision of an anemia-free...
The world is full of talent, but talent often stays hidden under the sheets...
Leading Real Estate Entrepreneur, Social Activist and Philanthropist Nidarshana Gowani was honored as the...
Nidarshana Gowani the leading Real Estate Entrepreneur and Social Activist organized ‘Kamala Cricket Tournament’...
Nidarshana Gowani, leading real estate entrepreneur and social activist felicitates nurses from hospitals across...
New Delhi: Ankibai Ghamandiram Gowani Trust by Nidarshana Gowani launched Kamala Rising Star Awards...