The Punjabi film Saunkan Saunkne, produced by Jatin Sethi of Naad Sstudios, which was released on May 13, 2022, has emerged as one of the biggest hits of all time. It collected Rs.
57.60 crores gross worldwide in 45 days and now it has added one more feather to its cap. It garnered a TRP of 8.1 for its world television premiere! In short, it has got record-breaking ratings which yet again confirms how much the audiences have loved the film. The film was aired on Zee Punjabi on October 5.
Jatin Sethi said, “We knew we had a winner in our hands and hence, we were confident about its blockbuster success at the box office. Similarly, we also knew that it’ll get huge viewership when Saunkan Saunkne premieres on TV. Yet, I have to admit that I was left speechless when I learnt that our film achieved a rating of 8.1! This is unheard of. So many people from the film fraternity and trade called to congratulate me.”
He also added, “A TRP of 8.1 and the immense box office success is a great motivation to make many more entertaining and heart-warming films for my audiences.”
Saunkan Saunkne starred Ammy Virk, Sargun Mehta and Nimrat Khaira produced by Naad Sstudios and Dreamiyata Entertainment.
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