Dubai (UAE): The renowned film television and media personality Dr. Sandeep Marwah, President of...
Five emerging personalities who are completely self-made are Gurpreet Kaur Sabarwal Mehak Tikoo Gabriella...
A distinguished group of ambassadors and diplomats from Canada, Malawi, Lebanon, Jordan, Mongolia, and...
Dr.Abhinav Kumar Shrivastava, an alumuni of IIT Dhanbad has created remarkable history for welfare...
In a world dominated by pollution and unhealthy supplements occupying a major part of...
Five influential authors who are inspiring minds through their brilliant writings are: Satya Sidhartha...
Udupi-based Sweezal Furtado recently took the nation by storm after being crowned as Miss...
He will also carry out business activities of iudex International Quality Certification and focus...
Surat (Gujarat) [India]: The aesthetic treatment industry is an emerging industry and very soon...
New tool to improve handwriting introduced at Tirupati Book Festival Handwriting is perceived in...